Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sketchbook Assignment Quarter 1 Due Monday October 3

Please include these five pages plus any of your own work due on Monday, October 3, 2011 worth 100 points.
1. Expressive Lines

Try to make as many types of lines as you can.
  • Repeat each type of line several times.
  • Try all types of lines: wavy, curly, jagged, dashes, fat, thin, etc.
  • Fill your page with as many lines as you can.
  • color or B/W. 
2. Directional Lines

Unlike the expressive, directional lines are very precise. Lines should all be the same thickness. These lines look as if they are bending and overlapping. This is not "free" like expressive lines) but calculated constant, and even.
  • Start anywhere on your paper. Move in a certain direction. stop and begin in a new direction
  • Keep lines in a group the same distance apart.
  • Try to go in every direction at least once
  • color or B/W 
3. Echoes

Begin by drawing an abstract, free-form line on the page. Then use other lines to echo the original line, flowing with it, into it, and away from it. Add color on or between the lines.
  • Even very young children can merely trace outside a line. You must create new variations away from your first lines to make it look different !

4. Draw what you Hear 

Interpretive, Conceptual Visualize sounds without drawing an object. Color

5. 2D and 3D arrows

  • Create a full page composition using a combination of 3-dimensional and 2-dimensional arrows. Use overlapping to break up the spaces into interesting positive and negative shapes.
  • Outline with felt-tip pen.
  • Think up an interesting color scheme and fill the shapes with colored pencil

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